East Hampton Town
Democratic Committeeman ED - 14
Congratulations! You found the secret dot to enter into my personal page. My name is Barry Leach and this is the fourth revision of my first attempt at creating a Web site. I think it came out OK and it looks like it could be a nice community asset. So a little about me is in order, I guess. I was born June 4, 1956 at the St. Albans Naval Hospital. My dad was in the Navy. I am the oldest of 7 and we were raised up-island (that would be west of the Shinnecock Canal) in Hicksville, New York. I attended catholic school from 1st through 12th grade. After graduation I enlisted in the USMC where I met my wife Faye. I attended college at night majoring in Economics. Our first 2 children Matt and Michelle were born in 1978 and 1980 respectively. After being honorably discharged in 1981 we bought our 1st house in West Islip. After 2 years there we traded up to a larger house in Mt. Sinai. Then in 1988 came Elizabeth Ann. Since the early 60's I so enjoyed coming out to see my grandparents in Montauk on weekends and summers that we set our goal to one day live out east permanently. It took so long to both save money and raise children that it looked as though we would never be able to afford anything nice east of Hampton Bays. But the housing market took off and interest rates dropped and sure enough it became possible. Thanks largely to a guy by the name of Paul Arbia of New Sunshine Builders in Water Mill who custom designed and built a 4BR/3BA house in East Hampton for us including the lot for the miserly sum of $500 down. We moved in permanently on August 25, 1995
to our new address of 2 Belgrove Drive, East Hampton.
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