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East Hampton Town
Democratic Committee


2000 and Beyond


Dear Neighbor, 

     As East Hampton moves into the next century, the Democrats feel it is time to re-evaluate our Master Plan.  Our ultimate population, where we will shop, how we'll get there, the number of schools we'll need, where our children will play, if our water will be clean and how our town will look will be decided in the next 10 years. 

     During the East Hampton Democrats' 15 years of town governmental leadership, many studies have been undertaken and implemented which reflect our commitment to a healthy environment and protection of our natural resources, our goal of providing affordable housing for all residents who need it, and our experience in meeting the needs of our local people and our thriving economy. 

     The East Hampton Democrats are proposing to update our Master Plan through a document entitled: East Hampton:  2000 and Beyond.  This blueprint will be a composite of current studies undertaken by the Town Planning Department, such as the local Waterfront Management Program, and original work by other consultants. 

     One of the first tasks accomplished in 1984, when the Democrats initially took the reins of government from Republicans, who had abolished the Planning Department during the runaway development of our Town in the early 80's, was to prepare a new Comprehensive Plan.  Since that time, many additional studies have been compiled, revised and incorporated into our 1984 Comprehensive Plan. 

     However, these separate studies need to be integrated into a thorough professional blueprint which identifies a composite of our Town at saturation build out, a composite which reflects citizen recommendations and professional guidance.  Cathy Lester and the Democratic Team promise to deliver this blueprint. 

     In the following platform, the Democrats will show how and why we can be trusted to fulfill our promises made to the citizens of East Hampton.  We point out what has been done and what is being done in the near future to meet our needs into the new century.  Finally, we propose how to guide East Hampton through its ultimate population saturation so that our environment is protected and our quality of life is enhanced. 

     We believe that no other political party or candidates have the leadership, vision, experience and dedication to deliver on this vital promise to the people of East Hampton.  So, please join the Democrats down the road to the new century.  We're the right leaders at the right time.

This is why we say: 

Protect the way you want to live. 
Vote Democratic in 1999. 


Cathy Lester                                       Pete Hammerle 
Supervisor                                          Councilman 

                                                          Lisa Grenci 
                                                          Town Board Candidate 

Next Page:  Chapter 1, Promises Made, Promises Kept!

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