East Hampton Town
Democratic Committee
Campaign 97 - Speech to CCOM
As this is the first time that we all have run for office, we had a lot to learn. It’s been quite the education. Firstly, we learned that the current board of Trustees have accumulated about a quarter million dollars of user fees. We’ve been told, recently, that this was to be used for legal fees in case they were personally sued. We believe that not returning this money back to the community in the form of improved services was wrong and, if elected, we will correct this by doing the following: 1. We will talk to the employees of the Montauk Shellfish Hatchery and ask them what they need in regard to new equipment. If the Town is unable to provide what they need, we will provide grant money to the Town specifically for the Hatchery because it is in the best interest of the Town and our Baymen. 2. We will take a leadership role in the repair
and, if necessary, rebuilding of our Towns boat ramps. Many ramps
are totally unusable at low tide.
3. We will commission a local prominent historian to develop a lesson plan for our children to learn about our rich maritime heritage and ask the High School to incorporate it in their American History classes. 4. We will no longer demand extra fees for
a commercial bayman to power clam Napeague Harbor. Additionally,
we will review all existing fees with an eye toward reduction.
5. We will put a freeze on Trustee raises. 6. We will encourage Montauk resident Bob Darenberg
to expand his fledgling marine sanitation business and we will not compete
with him as this current Board proposes. He is now doing terrific
work and is on the leading edge in the battle to keep our water clean.
As a fellow member of CCOM, I know your resentment when this Board of Trustees attempted to take regulatory control of Lake Montauk. You were successful in stopping what we all knew to be an excess to the Dongan Patent and their attempt to get a foothold in Montauk. We would stand ready to provide advise and expertise to the Town Board. We will not attempt to usurp Town Board authority. We were all nervous about what would happen if they were allowed also to regulate beachfront as called for in the newest legislation, the TERP. How easy would it be for a ferry terminal to be built on Fort Pond Bay if the ZBA was abolished? We are adamantly opposed to new ferry service in the Town of East Hampton. Fortunately this legislation has been tabled for now. Seen around Town recently is a bumper sticker
that reads “Keep beach driving legal, vote Republican”. Lets clear
that up right now. We believe that the current regulations are adequate
and are working well. There are accesses where there is need and
restrictions where there is need. It is a very good bipartisan compromise
which we have no intention of changing, now or ever. Thank you.