East Hampton Town
Democratic Committee
1997 Trustee Campaign, Last
Since this is the
last issue of the Star prior to Election Day, it will give all candidates
running for office one last chance to hammer the other side or make one
final point in a battle of either intellect or ego that seems never to
end. Well, and I'm sure to some people's disappointment, I'm going
to take the high road and not take any parting shots. All the points
have been made, and all the differences in philosophies have been exposed
during debate, speeches, and dueling editorials. It's democracy in
action and I am humbled at being invited to be a part of it. There's
been allot of disinformation presented by some incumbents on many issues.
I hope that you, the people, can see it for what it is. I will say
that I honestly believe that this year's debate towards the position of
Town Trustee has been ultimately very good for the residents of East Hampton.
I think that we have brought a substantial amount of light onto exactly
what the Trustees are and should be doing and how they should be representing
all the people's interests. Additionally, they should be an advocate
for not an antagonist to the Baymen. In the future, because of our
discussions, they will be held accountable to even higher standards because
we, the people, will expect that their overall mission will be to help
in the improvement and protection of our beautiful town and we will settle
for nothing less. I hope you, the residents of East Hampton, allow
me to be the instrument of that change in the Board of Trustees; let's
change for the better. Please vote for me on Row A or Row G, this
Tuesday; I won't let you down.