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East Hampton Town
Democratic Committee


Blue-Ribbon Aviation Committee

March 29, 1998
P. O. Box 4188
East Hampton, NY 11937

Supervisor Cathy Lester
Town of East Hampton
159 Pantigo Rd.
East Hampton, NY 11937

Dear Cathy,

 Firstly, I'd like to thank you for allowing me to be a part of the "Blue Ribbon" Committee for our Airport.  It was yet another invaluable experience for me in what I hope to be a long lasting relationship with both you and our Town's government.  Unfortunately, the end result of six weeks of meetings and discussions were so politically biased, that little bipartisan agreement was derived other than a recommendation for a financial accounting of aviation operations and the basing of fire apparatus at the field.  Lost in the discussions was the larger issue of the importance of having our airport conform, both literally and figuratively, to the character of our Town.  Mr. Lavinio was predictably from Mars, but both Mr. Spencer and Mr. Ryan were big disappointments.  Even so, I was proud you appointed me as part of the panel and will never forget it.  I hope, in the end, that what we worry about, increased larger traffic, is unjustified, and I hope to be proven wrong in that regard.  There is no less on the line than the future of our Town.  
 I truly empathize with the difficult decision you were forced to make last week in regard to signing the contract for runway construction.  It was a bad deal from the start initiated by a rogue councilman and his cronies and will forever be a blight on our Town's policy of open government.  It should, however, allow you to ensure, through legislation, that any future projects at the airport undergo the strictest scrutiny, before the fact, and not at the eleventh hour.  What remains, therefore, is to get that legislation on the books as soon as possible.
 If you need my assistance, for any position at all, including non-airport-related issues, please don't hesitate to call.  I'd like to remain involved with you and the Town Board to the degree you deem most appropriate.  Thanks again, and I'll see you around Town.

Warmest regards,

Barry W. Leach
Member,  East Hampton Town
Blue-Ribbon Aviation Committee