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East Hampton Town
Democratic Committee


2 Blind Mice

While channel surfing one evening last week I had the luck of stopping on our LTV station for the last 5 minutes of the Republican Roundtable.  Morbid curiosity kept me from hitting "next" so I listened to John Carley interview
Tom Knobel and orate that the staff of the East Hampton Star was "incompetent" in their reporting of events in the Town.  Once again, even on the most simple of issues, we disagree with Mr. Carley.  It's been our experience, and myself personally, that The Star, particularly Julia Mead,
has consistently provided even coverage of a cornucopia of events and has frequently been the stimulus for impassioned debate at virtually all levels of government.  Without The Star's editorial perspective on issues such as
the airport, landfill, clean water, open space and many more, local government's vision, either broad or narrow, during many administrations would have gone unchecked.  It's not wrong to ask questions nor to search for hidden agendas.  For our part we welcome the opportunity to make clear any policy that may not be so at the outset.  Keep up the good work.


Barry W. Leach
Democratic Town Committeeman