We Are
East Hampton Town
Democratic Committee
Veterans Telecommunications
September 1, 1999
P. O. Box 53
East Hampton, NY 11937
(516) 329-6930
Congressman Michael Forbes
125 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Forbes,
I write you today with a request on behalf
of the millions of American servicemen and women that have given their
all, in all climes and places, to our country. As a current member
and former officer of the American Legion Post #419 in East Hampton, NY
it is my duty to advise you of the financial difficulties involved in maintaining
an active Post and thereby providing comfort and relief to those
veterans in need. My request is as follows.
Our phone company (Bell Atlantic) charges us business rates, which are
substantially higher than residential rates. I'm sure the same condition
exists throughout the country. I ask that you initiate legislation
to mandate that local and long distance phone companies allow veterans
organizations, such as, the American Legion,
the VFW and AMVETS, the same low rates that residential customers enjoy
which include "unlimited local" service and regional calling discounts.
We ask for no handouts. We understand that business is in the business
of making money. We only ask that, in the light of our mission, and
the sacrifices our
members have made for this great land, we
are given similar treatment as home offices which may, or may not, be for
the general good of all Americans. It is a noble
cause and one that, at the end of the day,
you can be proud to have sponsored.
With warmest regards,
Barry W. Leach