
Who We Are

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Event Calendar

Your Representatives



Bulletin Board



East Hampton Town
Democratic Committeeman
ED - 14, Barry Leach



Our house at 2 Belgrove Drive, East Hampton
Me, inside N444DP
Wonderful Faye in our kitchen
Lizzi on the front porch
My dog Sandy


Campaign 97 - Platform, 7/4/97
Letter to David Wilmot, Suffolk Life, 7/4/97
Letter to the Accabonac Protection Committee, 7/24/97
Candidate Introductory Speech, 8/15/97
Point-to-Point Editorial, The Independent, 10/13/97
Speech to CCOM, 10/19/97
Memo to Councilman Job Potter, Aviation Committee Agenda, 1/22/98
Memo to Blue Ribbon Aviation Committee, Minority Opinion,  2/12/98
Letter to Supervisor Cathy Lester, 3/29/98
Letter to Melissa Bishop Morgan, SH Dems, 7/7/99
Letter to Councilwoman Pat Mansir, Aviation 101, 8/1/99
Letter to Councilwoman Pat Mansir, Aviation 102, 8/13/99
Veterans Telecommunications Bill, 9/1/99
Letter to Mr. Mark Ward, Northwest, East Hampton, 9/18/99
Response to Mr. Mark Ward, 9/21/99

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the East Hampton Star, 9/27/97
Letter to the East Hampton Star, 10/5/97
Letter to the East Hampton Star, 10/20/97
Letter to the East Hampton Star, 10/25/97
Letter to the East Hampton Star, 11/7/97
Letter to the East Hampton Star, 11/8/97
Letter to the East Hampton Star, 3/1/98
Letter to the Independent 1/6/99 (NOT PUBLISHED)
Letter to the East Hampton Star, 3/27/99
Letter to the East Hampton Star 4/4/99
Letter to the East Hampton Star 6/21/99
Letter to the Independent, 8/15/99 (NOT PUBLISHED)
Letter to the East Hampton Star 8/23/99
Letter to the East Hampton Star 9/3/99
Letter to the East Hampton Star 9/10/99
Letter to the East Hampton Star 10/15/99
Letter to the Independent, 10/16/99 (NOT PUBLISHED)
Letter to the East Hampton Star 3/16/00
Letter to the East Hampton Star, 5/11/00
Letter to the East Hampton Star, 6/29/00